Martha Becker Executive Director
"Your training style was rated highly and the curriculum was clearly written and laid-out well organizationally"
Shelley B. Dixon
Center for Workforce Advancement
Empire State College
Management Development Plus (MDP) assists health, education and human service organizations enhance their services in cost effective ways that improve employee productivity and consumer satisfaction. We design and implement customized technical assistance and training that specifically meets the identified desired incomes. We help individuals improve their quality of life in and out of the workplace.
Management Development
- Individual coaching and group training for:
- senior and middle managers
- new managers and supervisors
- Program design, development and start-up/grant writing
- Professional development: training needs assessment and staff training
- Continuous Quality Improvement/quality assurance
- Stress Management
- Technical assistance to lessen stress in the workplace
- Customized individual and group stress management sessions
- Private stress management practice
- Clinical Consultation
- Children and Family Services
- Head Start/Day Care
- Mental Health and Wellness
Typical Client Results
- Compliance with policies, procedures and regulations become exemplary.
- Managers improve their competency in leading others toward meeting performance targets.
- Skills related to job function improve in competency as evidenced by enhanced productivity and quality of service, client satisfaction, and a decrease in absenteeism, lateness and costly staff turnover.
- Communication and interpersonal skills improve in and out of the workplace, leading to more positive experiences and a more satisfactory balance between responsibilities and "play."
- Personal and workplace stress is reduced.
- Healthier life choices are made as a result of an increased focus on physical and mental wellness.
"The grant was well conceived and well written and for this I congratulate you."
Luis M. Estevez, MD, MPH
Director of Medical Affairs
Morrisania Diagnostic & Treatment Center
New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
"Martha, you show remarkable ability to assist people with individual problems and crisis situations."
Mariano Alemany, Ph.D
Emeritus Professor
Carlos Albizu University
"I write to thank you for the organizational assessment you made of MTS and for the insightful action plan which you wrote following the assessment."
Barbara Small
Executive Director